January 29, 2010 - Jelly in my Belly

While we're living here in southeast Alabama I have the honor of working in the best store in town. It's called Pure Imagination (Hold your breath, make a wish and count to three....that's for you Willy Wonka fans.). In a nutshell Pure Imagination is a high-end kitchen store. Perfect! But it really is much more. It's more of a gift store with a fantastic kitchen section (not to mention a huge Vera Bradley section). So I get to work surrounded by kitchen gadgets and cookware (hello All Clad and Le Creuset!) with some amazing people (Bobbi, Bruce, Elna and Leigh!)

I brought the camera in to work and snapped some pics....I chose this photo of cotton candy flavored Jelly Bellies because, well, I like it best. We sell the heck out of them at Christmas and Easter. If you're local, come out and visit us! We will be happy to help you!


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