January 20, 2010 - Fancy Feet

Here they are. "Five Finger Shoes". I know you've all been waiting for this. :) Ok, ok maybe not but I will say this: these shoes are pretty cool. As you can see, these are my husband's feet, not mine (note the hairy legs). But I did try on a pair in the store. These groundbreaking shoes are intended to help reposture running and walking so that one walks on the ball of their feet rather than their heels. (And those who know me, know I am a heavy heel walker.) Reviews from folks claim that their chronic foot pain and back pain has gone away with these crazy shoes. Chris has some serious foot pain so time will tell. And if they work, I'm getting a pair too!


Unknown said…
i have seen people wearing those and i wonder, really?! i'm gonna stick with my ascics for now, thanks. hope they work for chris! let me know how you like them... :)
Gagi said…
First, tell Chris he looks hot. Second, I have a friend who wears these and loves them. They go great with the rest of his winter running outfit, including the flashlight he wears on his head. I have a picture, but I promised I would never ever share it with anyone. (-:

-Kathy R
Bridges said…
I have a pair... and I love them. I used to get lower back pain from running no matter how much I stretched, but no more. In the winter, I recommend wool toe socks to go along with them- I went with FeelMax. I'm not a rabid proponent (I still run in my trail runners sometimes), and I strongly recommend breaking into them very slowly (I got sore achilles tendons a couple of times), but I prefer my Vibrams. I ran a half marathon in them in November after a steep ramp in mileage, and felt great while setting a PR.
By George said…
Chris wears them mostly for Crossfit workouts (not much running) but will try them for running.

Kathy - he appreciated you noticing how hot he looks! :)

"Bridges" - who are you? ;) I'm trying to figure it out and can't!
Bridges said…
I'm a friend of Kathy's... she knows how much I love my Vibram Five Fingers, so she sent me a link. I couldn't help but comment.

She discretely referred to me as the one with the oh-so-stylish winter running outfit. I commute by running/biking year-round, and so have a very defensive (bright) kit for going out at night. :-)
By George said…
Bridges - how cool! I'm so glad people are looking at my blog and any friend of Kathy's is a friend of mine! :)
Kevin & Jessica said…
Never saw these before. I thought about leaving a smart comment about feet and balls but decided it's just not right. Honestly, I don't even know where my balls (of my feet) are?! Jessica says I walk too loud, so I guess I'll try to find and walk on my balls? Good to know there's "five fingered" help if I can't do it on my own.

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