February 10, 2010 - Olympic Sized....
Ok. So this photo wasn't taken today. In fact, it was taken back in Colorado when we were on vacation. We visited the Olympic Training Center and took a (free!) tour. During that tour, our guide mentioned that we might see Olympic athletes in training but please do not interrupt them. The long and short of it is this: we stood outside of a building and watched some swimmers in training through a giant window. As our guide was talking about the Berkely Swim Team that was there for 'camp' I was snapping photos of the three right lanes...swimmers with "USA" team caps on. Then this guy looked straight at me and I thought "Well he looks a lot like...naah!"
Ladies and gentlement: it is. This is Michael Phelps. The Olympian with the most gold medals ever!! Looking at me!!
So in honor of the winter Olympics starting tomorrow evening, I am posting this photo. Of a summer Olympian. :)