Because sometimes you just need to make English Muffin Pizzas!

That's right. Comfort food at its finest. It'll take you back to childhood faster than S'Mores and Rice Krispie Treats. And my husband makes the BEST English Muffin Pizzas. Appearing again as my Guest Chef, Chris made this fabulous dinner. He learned from the best himself. My mother-in-law A.K.A. "Mama G" is one fine cook. Watching her while he was growing up he learned some important cooking techniques. Mostly to cook to taste and don't be afraid to season.

Soggy, bland pizza is no good. Always toast the muffins before assembling. And by 'toast' I mean, put on a cookie sheet and under the broiler until just lightly browned. Do NOT walk away from them while under the broiler. Watch them closely.

Bland = Boring! This is known as the "Holy Trinity" of seasoning in our house. Garlic powder (not as good as fresh but not as bad as some chefs would lead you to believe), Onion powder and Italian Seasoning. Those toasted muffins have drizzled olive oil and seasoned with this little trio. A lot!

People. This is comfort food. So Prego it up! About one tablespoon per muffin. We don't want pizzas soaked in sauce.

No need to buy fancy cheese. Grocery store brands are fine. For sliced cheese, however, go for the gusto. Brand names tend to have a higher fat content and therefore be smoother and creamier. If we're melting it, on an english muffin - just go with the store brand.

Lots of cheese. Mmmmmm....

Pop them in the oven and wait. 

Chef Fenway checks things out...

Perfection! Once again put under the broiler to melt the cheese (so it's a *touch* brown). We keep our top rack in the upper middle position for this and have an electric oven....use your best judgment when using gas oven or if you choose to put your rack closer to the broiler.


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