Fenway's Opening Day

In Enterprise, AL, was today! Ok so our beloved Red Sox have begun the season right with a win over Tampa Bay (yahooo!) and the new pooch is now in her home. She is resting at my feet as I type.
Fenway met her very first friend within minutes of getting out of the car (she was a champ on the 30 minute ride) and handled it well.
Now we're hoping for a calm night (hoping....but it's looking pretty good so far.)
I had forgotten to mention that the lapse in time of my writing was because my sister, Inger, visited for a week. Words can't tell how wonderful it was to have her here. Inger and her husband, Pete, have been nothing short of amazing the past two decades. They have seen me through good times and tough times and their house has, from day one of their marriage, been my second home. I held Inger's hand through childbirth for all four of her kids. It seemed wrong for Inger not to have been in my home and now she has. Thank you so much for leaving your family for a week and visiting me! Pete - thank you so much for giving Inger the gift of a vacation to sweet home Alabama!
Fenway is now sound asleep on her new blanket...I won't let her sleep for too long so she sleeps tonight (kind of like a late nap for a child...uh oh!)